Fluid filters

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Fluid filters contains products similar to the following SFI groups:

309Common hydraulic oil system for hatches/ports
404Side thrusters
43Anchoring, mooring, towing equipment
438Common hydraulic oil system for anchoring/mooring equipment
442Tools/equip. for engineers, electr., boatswains, carpenters
444Cleaning equipment, garbage chutes
57Ventilation, air-conditioning, heating systems
584Drinking water systems and coolers
6Machinery main components
601Diesel engines
646Exhaust gas boilers
651Motor aggregates
7Systems for machinery main components
70Fuel systems
71Lube oil systems
712Lube oil purification plants
73Compressed air systems
743Exhaust gas systems for propulsion machinery
744Exhaust gas systems for motor aggregates
745Exhaust gas systems for boilers
761Distilled and make-up water systems
803Bilge systems

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