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AlcoPropeller AB
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Alpha Nord AS
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Anlegg og Marine Service AS
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Azimuth thrusters The type of rudder propeller that best suits your needs depends on factors such as vessel type or other specifications Bow thrusters
Bauer und Kaufmann
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BK type B Propellers 1650 X 1160
Brunvoll A.S
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The Complete Thruster System Quality components seamlessly integrated – from a single source Thruster Systems are our only business Our extensive experience and expertise is available to our customers. Brunvoll is a single-source supplier and takes full responsibility for the whole thruster system. Brunvoll provides fully integrated thruster solutions complete with drive motors, hydraulic power units, BruCon control, alarm and monitoring system. Each system can be optimized to meet the needs of the individual vessel and operation. We offer electric and diesel drive systems. We provide service and support for the lifetime of the Thruster System. - Tunnel Thrusters - LowNoise Tunnel Thrusters - Retractable Azimuth Thrusters - Azimuth Combi Thrusters - Rim Driven Thrusters (RDT) - BruCon
The Complete Thruster System Quality components seamlessly integrated – from a single source Thruster Systems are our only business Our extensive experience and expertise is available to our customers. Brunvoll is a single-source supplier and takes full responsibility for the whole thruster system. Brunvoll provides fully integrated thruster solutions complete with drive motors, hydraulic power units, BruCon control, alarm and monitoring system. Each system can be optimized to meet the needs of the individual vessel and operation. We offer electric and diesel drive systems. We provide service and support for the lifetime of the Thruster System. - Tunnel Thrusters - LowNoise Tunnel Thrusters - Retractable Azimuth Thrusters - Azimuth Combi Thrusters - Rim Driven Thrusters (RDT) - BruCon
Eiva-Safex AS
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Product Catalog 2019
Finnøy Gear & Propeller AS
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CP Propeller The CP Propellers are manufactured from 1000 mm to 5000 mm in diameter. They are delivered with 3, 4 or 5 blades. The propeller hub and blades are manufactured in Ni.Al.-bronze. They can also be delivered in Stainless steel. The hydrodynamic blade design calculations are based on detailed analysis in computers together with Finnøy’s long experience. The propeller shaft is hollow bored and made of carbon steel or stainless steel. The pitch is adjusted by the push – pull rod. It transfers the axial force from the servo piston in the gearbox to the pitch setting mechanism in the propeller hub. The propeller hubs, type P26 to P48, are grease lubricated and from P39 to P125 are oil lubricated. The stern tube is delivered complete with bearings, sealing boxes and a gravity tank for stern tube oil. The stern tube can be delivered suitable for either oil or water lubrication. The sealing boxes are Finnøy’s own design, but other types can also be supplied. The propeller shaft flange is a split type for the smaller shafts and an oil shrink type for the larger shafts. Benefits of controllable pitch propellers compared to fixed pitch propellers: • Secure and precise manoeuvrability • An increase in the average speed • Stern tube wear is reduced • A constant speed at engine is possible • Easy replacement of spare blades • Engine wear is minimized • Reduced fuel costs • Dynamic position of vessel possible • Stepless speed control of the ship • Load control of engine is possible • Full power available under all conditions • The propeller can be designed for free running and towing Propeller Design All ships have individual needs. Speed is important for some ships. Towing pull is more important for others. To satisfy these needs Finnøy use the most suitable software together with Finnøy’s knowledge when designing propeller blades. The propeller blade is designed for best possible performance regarding thrust, efficiency, noise and vibration. The blades are ground and balanced according to ISO 484 standards. Nozzle With ships that need maximum towing thrust a nozzle could be fitted. The nozzle increases the bollard pulls by approx 30%-40% over an open propeller absorbing the same power. It can be delivered as a steering or fixed nozzle.
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Finnøy Propulsion Systems
Grenaa Motorfabrik, A/S
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Grenaa Diesels are developed especially for ships propulsion. This has resulted in an exceptional flexibility of operation in the complete power map. A Grenaa has a very low fuel consumption and a high torque in the complete speed range. It is virtually impossible to wear out a Grenaa Diesel. We know of Grenaa’s which have been installed in up to 3 new vessels one after the other once the former ships were decommissioned. The Grenaa Diesel is a simple and well designed machine. It is difficult to damage and easy to repair. We believe that electronics have no place on a true marine engine. Your Grenaa will continue in the darkness and take you home even if all electricity on board fails. Grenaa Diesel systems: - Complete ship propulsion systems (engine, reduction gear, CP-propeller) - Grenaa Diesel main engines - Grenaa reduction gears and CP-propellers Grenaa Diesels are particularly well suited for professional work vessels e.g. fishing vessels, freighters or passenger vessels. In these installations the owners will have the full benefit of the high propulsion efficiency, low operational costs and exceptional reliability. The unique sailing comfort on board vessels with Grenaa Diesels due to the low noise and vibration levels is a further bonus which is highly appreciated by crew and passengers every day. This also induces a keen interest from owners of Mega-yachts. Grenaa Diesel systems fulfill all requirements from classification societies, IMO and Solas.
Grenaa Diesels are developed especially for ships propulsion. This has resulted in an exceptional flexibility of operation in the complete power map. A Grenaa has a very low fuel consumption and a high torque in the complete speed range. It is virtually impossible to wear out a Grenaa Diesel. We know of Grenaa’s which have been installed in up to 3 new vessels one after the other once the former ships were decommissioned. The Grenaa Diesel is a simple and well designed machine. It is difficult to damage and easy to repair. We believe that electronics have no place on a true marine engine. Your Grenaa will continue in the darkness and take you home even if all electricity on board fails. Grenaa Diesel systems: - Complete ship propulsion systems (engine, reduction gear, CP-propeller) - Grenaa Diesel main engines - Grenaa reduction gears and CP-propellers Grenaa Diesels are particularly well suited for professional work vessels e.g. fishing vessels, freighters or passenger vessels. In these installations the owners will have the full benefit of the high propulsion efficiency, low operational costs and exceptional reliability. The unique sailing comfort on board vessels with Grenaa Diesels due to the low noise and vibration levels is a further bonus which is highly appreciated by crew and passengers every day. This also induces a keen interest from owners of Mega-yachts. Grenaa Diesel systems fulfill all requirements from classification societies, IMO and Solas.
Gulliksen AS, J. Weiberg
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Helseth Propell-systemer Helseths produktportefølje består av 3- og 4-blads propeller designet med hjelp av moderne skreddersydde dataprogrammer, og produsert i materialer av høy kvalitet. Alle propellbladene er skreddersydd for hvert fartøy og designet av bruk av moderne designprogramvare og erfarne designere for å passe perfekt til fartøyet. Propellnavet og stigningskontrollmekanismene er designet med bruk av omfattende FEM-analyseverktøy for å sikre lave vekter og tilstrekkelig styrke til å overleve de mest farlige miljøene. Hos Helseth har vi en daglig basert kontakt med alle viktige klassesamfunn for å sikre det beste resultatet for våre kunder. Fremdriftssystemer med høy hastighet For høyhastighetsfartøy - som normalt bruker over 25 knop hastighet - blir hydrodynamikk mye viktigere for optimalisering av fremdriftsløsningen. I tillegg til propellkonstruksjonen, må også design av braketter, ror og propelltunnel optimaliseres. På grunn av samspill med skrogdesignet, jobber vi tett med fartøydesigner om mest høyhastighetsapplikasjon for å sikre den mest effektive løsningen. Kumera Gearbox Repair Kumera Service leverer verdensomspennende reparasjon, service og vedlikehold for industrielle og marine girkasser for alle merker og produsenter. - Vårt serviceinnstilte team gir deg deler, ingeniørferdigheter og teknisk rådgivning - Å være en del av ditt forebyggende vedlikehold og sikre optimal drift av girene ved regelmessige inspeksjoner og planlagt service - Serverer et bredt spekter av bransjer over hele verden - Å ha en velfylt reservedelsavdeling av originale deler. Bruke flyfrakt fra nærliggende matflyplass for å sikre raske leveranser til alle steder i verden Våre tjenester inkluderer - Nødreparasjoner over hele verden - Tjenestekontrakter - Tilstandsanalyse / overvåking og forebyggende vedlikehold ved hjelp av endoskopi, vibrasjonsanalyse og termografi. - Laserjustering - Overhalinger - Moderniseringer og utskiftninger - Montering av utstyrstjenester - Design og utvikling - Opplæring - Konsulenttjenester Fordelene med Kumera servicekonsept for reparasjon av industriell girkasse - Kumera Corporation har over mange tiår erfaring med produksjon, service og reparasjon av marine girkasser - Globalt servicenettverk for reparasjon av marine girkasser for raskt å levere tjenester av høy kvalitet - Tilgjengelighet for reparasjon og service av alle typer marine girkasser uavhengig av produsent - Produksjon av spesiell og tilpasset reservedel - Produksjonsprosesser av høy kvalitet for girede deler - Kvalifisert team av eksperter og rådgivningstjeneste til din tjeneste 24/7
Gurskøy Sveiseindustri AS
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Jensen & Rhodèn Europe Marine Control AS
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Kohlswa Gjuteri AB
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Kumera Helseth A/S
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CPP for Work & Fishing Boats Kumera Helseth's 3 and 4-blade controllable pitch propeller systems combine a reduction gearbox with built-in hydraulic servo unit or shaftline servomotor. Propellers are available in the following range of diameters: - 3-bladed propellers: 750-2200mm - 4-bladed propellers: 750-4400mm CPP for Fast-running Vessels Helseth designs it's propellers using state of the art computer analysis for maximum efficency on vessels with speeds up to 35 knots. Propellers are available for the 300-3000 kW range.
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Helseth comments
Range overview
CPP for Work & Fishing Boats Kumera Helseth's 3 and 4-blade controllable pitch propeller systems combine a reduction gearbox with built-in hydraulic servo unit or shaftline servomotor. Propellers are available in the following range of diameters: - 3-bladed propellers: 750-2200mm - 4-bladed propellers: 750-4400mm CPP for Fast-running Vessels Helseth designs it's propellers using state of the art computer analysis for maximum efficency on vessels with speeds up to 35 knots. Propellers are available for the 300-3000 kW range.
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Range overview
Helseth comments
Main Brochure
Nogva Heimdal Propulsion AS
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Heimdal propellers are designed using modern computer programs and adapted to each individual vessel to provide the best possible efficiency and the least possible noise and vibration. Heimdal propeller systems are dimensioned to provide the most possible traction based on a given engine size. Based on 15 different hub sizes, we tailor the blades for each individual vessel. All blades are designed using modern computer software and are well balanced to provide proper resistance to the servo system.
Nogva Motorfabrikk AS
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Main types: -Controllable pitch (CP) propellers -Propellers with shaft hydraulic servo -Adjustable propellers Nogva CP propellers are constructed to fit transmissions with built in servo systems for pitch control (like all Nogva Gears). The C.P. propellers pull rod is connected with flanges to the servo system and propeller pitch is altered when the pull rod moves. Propellers with shaft hydraulic servo can be used with all types of transmissions. The hydraulic cylinder is fitted to the shaft and an axial running piston is controlled with a hydraulic hand pump. One or more such hand pumps can be used.With adjustable propellers you can adjust the propeller pitch from outside the boat when the vessel is on slipway. Common: All Nogva Propellers are now 3-blade and of type B-series.
Oshaug Metall AS
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Propeller Blades We can deliver fixed pitch and controllable pitch propeller blades for use in propulsion, positioning and manoeuvring systems for ships and rigs. The production capacity is up to 6 metres in diameter, and a weight up to 2.5 tons. We have a creative staff eager to meet challenges concerning supplies a little on the side of the standard. Damaged propeller blades can be repaired or replaced on short notice.
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Oshaug propellbladreparasjon
Propeller Boss We can deliver propeller boss for fixed pitch and controllable pitch propellers for use in propulsion, positioning and manoeuvring systems for ships and rigs. The production capacity is up to 2.5 tons. We have a creative staff eager to meet challenges concerning supplies deviating a little from the standard.
Qvale & Partners AS, Ulrik
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Servogear A/S
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Our effect rudder is a part of our controllable pitch propeller (CPP) system, and is designed as an airfoil, providing a lift in the water flow, which again produces a forward thrust. This results in a minimum drag on the rudder.
Conventional propulsion systems, such as propellers or water jets, work most efficiently in open water conditions. In Servogear we develop tailor-made propeller tunnels as a part of our controllable pitch propeller system, to provide greater propulsion efficiency below a hull than in open water. The propeller tunnel itself also reduces hull resistance. Our propeller tunnel allows for larger propeller diameter with no increase of shaft angle and draught. Propeller rpm is reduced, as well as the surface pressure on the propeller blades, and the water flow entering the propeller is optimised. Together with other detail improvements, this provides the best possible working conditions - resulting in a smooth and efficient propeller thrust. A more even loaded propeller gives a slimmer and lighter design, which means less weight and drag as well as higher efficiency. We calculate and design our propeller tunnels based on full utilisation of the flow below the hull, ensuring optimum interaction between hull and propulsor. Efficient propulsion means lower fuel consumption, more economic operation and less pollution.
Servogear Ecoflow PropulsorTM is a unique controllable pitch propeller (CPP) system for high-speed workboats, fast ferries, offshore vessels and yachts. The concept offers an optimal combination of speed, bollard pull, manoevrability and fuel efficiency. Learn more about CPP here (Kasten Marine Design). Through continuous theoretical and practical research since 1973, we have developed an incredibly efficient propeller system. These are successfully running on a large number of vessels worldwide. Search in our selected references catalog here. The Servogear CPP system covers an engine range of 400 to 4000 kW and speed up to 50 knots.
Siemens AS, Marine & Shipbuilding
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Life Cycle Management 24h Service +47 815 365 24 E-mail: Our life cycle services are designed to optimize the overall performance of your entire ship. Increase plant availability and assure long- term competitiveness. Our service offers maintenance, upgrades, spare parts and On-call services worldwide
PROPULSION SYSTEMS With our modular drive systems, you`ll enjoy benefit which are key to your ship`s profitability: Our experienced systems specialists develop a customized design that`s tailored to suit your technical and budgetary requirements. With Siemens drives onboard, you`ll know that Your vessel will be backed by the quality of the world`s leading electric propulsion system specialists - who can offer you a global network of services and other resources in case any problems arise.
West Mekan Produksjon AS
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West Mekan has extensive experience in the planning, design and production of propeller systems for leisure boats, sailing boats, fishing boats and other industrial vessels. We specialise in supplying propeller systems, propellers and other equipment for the vessel’s driveshaft according to clients’ needs and wishes. With our experience we are able to tailor-make propeller systems according to boat type, material, hull shape, engine, transmission etc and are happy to recommend an optimal propeller system based on factors such as performance, speed and cost. All calculations are carried out in accordance with the appropriate classification requirements. Modern DAK design software and associated DAP milling equipment, a modern workshop and conscious efforts in the fields of co-operation, research and development mean that West Mekan can supply equipment with exceptionally high tolerances. Our milled propeller blades have very high tolerances and comply with the strictest ISO classifications with regard to accuracy. This is a guarantee for minimal vibration and noise from the propeller. All our products are either type-approved by DNV or can be supplied as certified products from other classification societies.
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