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Anlegg og Marine Service AS
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Azimuth thrusters The type of rudder propeller that best suits your needs depends on factors such as vessel type or other specifications Bow thrusters
AT-Marine Oy (Professional)
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Auto-Maskin AS
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The engine controllers are the base building block to build a supervision system for both variable speed (propulsion or pumps) or fixed speed (generating set) diesel engines.
Baze Technology AS
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BAZEFIELD OPERATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Bazefield® is a complete, fact based operations management software (OMS) for running oil and gas operations. BAZEFIELD WIND The BazeField® system is the most powerful, flexible and scalable wind farm management system in the market. The system is in use by a range of clients such as: Scira Offshore, Arise, OX2, Skellefteå Kraft/Blaiken Vind, Puhuri, Etha, Natural Power, 3E, Outsmart, Arctic Wind and Statoil amongst others. BazeField is used for O&M support, closing in on 4 GW of installed wind power capacity on a daily basis
Becker Marine Systems Norway AS
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Becker Marine Systems is the leading company in developing high-lift rudders with the highest efficiency. The company founder, Willi Becker, was the inventor of the Becker Flap Rudder, now synonymous with all kinds of flap rudder types. For all ships equipped with a conventional propeller-shaft arrangement, the rudder is the most critical equipment for steering the vessel and guaranteeing the safety of passengers, crew, cargo and protection of the environment. The reduction of emissions and use of environmentally-friendly materials are among the company’s most important goals. The latest generation of Becker Rudders minimises servicing and maintenance activities by employing special bearing materials and coatings which allow lubricant-free rudder operation. This solution fully complies with US Coast Guard VGP regulations. It is no longer necessary for the vessel operator to buy expensive bio grease to protect the trunk and shaft from corrosion. With a variety of electronic options, Becker is able to monitor bearing wear and tear and to report the highest rudder efficiency to the captain by showing him the actual rudder force online.
Bergen Hydraulic A/S
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Bergen Hydraulic AS supplies everything from simpler standardized units to larger complete hydraulic systems and solutions. We have extensive experience in all industries and applications.
Bergen Maritim Elektro AS
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Bertel O. Steen Power Solutions (BOS Power)
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Compact, powerful and reliable offshore power generator sets designed to meet the demanding requirements of any offshore platform. BOS Power offers a complete range of power generation for the offshore market. Our range of gensets are well suited for emergency power, fire pump drivers, well serve power packs, cement pumps and hydraulic power packs. We also offer customized offshore documentation according to project specific requirements.
Bevi Norge AS
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BEVI market and stocks several types of gear. Through long experience and cooperation with several manufacturers, we can offer one of the widest range. We offer gear that covers all needs, is also available in ATEX version. Short delivery times together with flexible production means that we can quickly produce special versions
Blueday Technology AS
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Our solution includes battery systems, a control system, power distribution, grid connection and network managements systems. It is equipped with a power converter and real-time control software that efficiently matches energy supply to demand. It stores surplus energy in a battery, and releases it into the grid as and when needed. We will guide you through the complexities of energy storage, enabling your system to operate efficiently and adapt to future grids.
To understand the process that underlies the search for efficient and environmentally-friendly power systems, it is useful to review some key concepts. Generating thrust to drive a vessel through the water can be achieved in many ways. These vary from conventional diesel-direct propulsion to more recent innovations such as diesel-electric, fuel cell-powered solutions and hybrid variants. However, despite all these options, combustion engines or electric motors remain the two fundamental means of driving a propeller. We will first guide you through the options, and then ultimately design and deliver a system that provides the required performance with a minimum of compromise. Let’s make a difference!
Brommeland Elektronikk AS
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Autopilots / Autopiloter Vi kan levere flere typer autopiloter fra mange kjente merker: - Simrad - Raymarine - Raytheon - ComNav - Furuno
Electronic sea charts / Kartmaskin Vi kan levere kartmaskin utstyr fra flere kjente leverandører, alt fra lystbåten til større fartøy. - ProNav - MaxSea - Olex - Raymarine - Simrad - Garmin - Furuno - Lowrance
Brunvoll A.S
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BRUNVOLL PROPULSION SOLUTIONS Brunvoll is committed to developing new propulsion units with CPP technology. To complement our range with azimuth FPP Azimuth Thrusters, we are working together with Steerprop Ltd, in Finland. For conventional CPP propulsion, we have a collaboration with Finnøy Gear & Propeller to enable complete delivery of thruster units combined with main propulsion equipment including gears, shaft line, and propeller. This teamwork makes it possible for Brunvoll to offer coordinated systems for automation of propulsion and manoeuvring.
BRUCON The trusted Control, Alarm and Monitoring System from Brunvoll Control Brunvoll has built up decades of experience in reliable solutions for manoeuvring, positioning and propulsion control. Alarm Alerts and alarms give clear guidance for decision support. Early warnings enable quick intervention, reducing risks. Monitoring BruCon condition monitoring helps to optimize performance and makes it easier to plan smarter preventive maintenance. For Thrusters BruCon systems are specifically designed and produced for the entire range of Brunvoll thrusters. Main Propellers We provide complete control, monitoring and automation solutions for main propulsion equipment including azimuth systems from Brunvoll, and for main propulsion equipment from our strategic partners. Drive Systems We supply BruCon for all our drive systems, including constant - / variable-speed CPP and FPP with frequency converters.
Chris-Marine AB
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Power Packs Powerful hydraulic tools require reliable power sources. That powerful hydraulic tools require great power packs is no secret. In cooperation with MAN Diesel, Wärtsilä and 2-stroke engine owners worldwide, Chris-Marine has developed a range of mobile Hydraulic Power Units (HPUs). When needed, he units deliver up to 5 times the normal speed when needed, while fulfilling the requirement for pressures above 3000 bar
Eie Maskin AS
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Choose between different gears for industrial use. Provides for industrial use Gears from Nidec-Graessner , Framo Morat and Stöber . For more information on each gear type, select from the list below.
Eiva-Safex AS
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Product Catalog 2019
Elektromontage AB
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Switchgear Elektromontage AB has over 50 years of experience in the fields of design, manufacturing, delivery and installation of switchgears for industrial as well as machinery equipment solutions. We can offer an unique mix of switchgears meeting various specifications both standardized and adapted solutions with our licensed hardware Siemens Sivacon S8 and Cubic.
Elmarin AS
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Elmarine VAR-G Variable speed axle generator from ELMARIN With ELMARIN VAR-G you get optimized operation in many conditions and you don't have to run an auxiliary engine for power generation. Optimized operation means you save fuel, service costs and the environment. VAR-G can be supplied from 5kW and upwards to > 2000kW. The solution can be adapted to small and large vessels. PTO MODE Shaft generator with variable speed on the main engine Avoids unnecessary operation on the auxiliary engine. Lower fuel consumption. PTI MODE VAR-G is run as an engine and drives the propeller. Provides increased safety and lower fuel consumption in certain situations. ELMARIN VAR-G can be supplied with or without battery
Frydenbø Industri AS
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Frydenbø Industri’s lifeboat engine program currently includes engines from the Sabb K series with 30 to 70 horsepowers, and Sabb FPT/Iveco engines with 85 to 560 horsepowers. Our lifeboat engines are developed in close cooperation with the world’s biggest engine manufacturers, and is still built at our modern facilities in Bergen. The result is a complete program for lifeboats, tender boats and fast rescue boats. Our range of lifeboat engines are designed for use on all types of lifeboats, tender boats and fast rescue boats. They are designed to provide guaranteedsafety. The engines are custom built according to the regulations of the International Convention of Safety at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), where the procedures for approval require that the engines must start at temperatures between minus 15 to minus 25 degrees Celsius. They must also pass a 360 degrees rotation test and must be able to drive while submerged in water tocenter of the crankshaft. DNV-GL certifies all engines. Frydenbø Industri collaborates with all the leading lifeboat manufacturers in the world. We also have a world-wide service network to safeguard our applications.
Since the founding of Sabb Motor with its in 1925, and since William Knutsen invented their ship engines early in the 1900s, Frydenbø Industri always had a focus on the engines operating reliably. The high quality is probably one of the most important reasons that the company today is one of the marked leaders in the marine industry. A good product is a product where you can rely on trouble-free maintenance and service. Our customers have high demands, and the company’s ability to convert expectations to great results, is one of the reasons for the success. We solve our customers’ challenges through close cooperation, from the point where the supply agreement is signed to the handover of the product – and throughout the lifetime of the engine through the supply of parts and service. Frydenbø Industri wants to be an effective and flexible partner, where we meet our customers’ needs through tailor made and cost-effective solutions. We accomplish this through dialogue and close relationships with our customers.
Furuno Norge A/S
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Watch Alarm System Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) is an aid to help protect the ships officer required to ensure a presence of the watch on the bridge and to carry out one man bridge duties. The new MSC-128(75) rules require BNWAS at vessel above 150BT Monitors the watch officer's presence for maritime casualty avoidance
AUTOPILOT NAVPILOT-700 The NavPilot-700 is a revolutionary autopilot designed for a variety of vessels. The operation modes include Auto (Heading control), Advanced Auto utilizing automatic ground tracking control, Auto Work for net towing and NAV mode (Course or Precision Cross Track control) when integrated with navigation sensors.
GP-150 - MARINE GPS NAVIGATOR FURUNO GP-150 is a GPS navigator designed for the SOLAS ships according to the GPS performance standard IMO Res MSC.112(73) and associated IEC standards effective on and after July 1, 2003. It is a highly reliable standalone EPFS (electronic position fixing system) that feeds positioning information to AIS, Radar, VDR, ECDIS, Autopilot, Echo Sounder and Sonar.
GP-150 - MARINE GPS NAVIGATOR FURUNO GP-150 is a GPS navigator designed for the SOLAS ships according to the GPS performance standard IMO Res MSC.112(73) and associated IEC standards effective on and after July 1, 2003. It is a highly reliable standalone EPFS (electronic position fixing system) that feeds positioning information to AIS, Radar, VDR, ECDIS, Autopilot, Echo Sounder and Sonar
GearConsult AS
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RENK offers a comprehensive range of marine gear units from reversing gear units starting at 1,000 kW to complex gear units arrangements for naval vessels with 40,000 kW and more of transmitted power, including all requisite control and monitoring systems. Many of today’s ships are equipped with CODAD (COmbined Diesel And Diesel) and CODOG (COmbined Diesel Or Gas turbine), CODAG (COmbined Diesel And Gas turbine) or COGAG (Combined Gas turbine And Gas turbine) propulsion plants. Special Cross Connect gears and CODELAG (COmbined Diesel ELectric And Gas turbine) units, for propulsion plants with electric motor and gasturbine propulsion complete the product range.
GEPS Techno was created in 2011 by three founders from the shipbuilding and offshore sectors. Their ambition: to supply energy offshore, far from the grids, to support development of the Blue Economy. Their idea: to offer hybrid systems that exploit all the renewable energy resources available at the location in order to solve the challenges of autonomy, intermittency and uneven distribution of offshore resources. They are creating an agile company capable of both integrating existing technologies and rapidly developing new ones. In 2012, the first buoy incorporating a unique wave motor system, capable of both producing energy and stabilising movements, was launched. Test programmes followed and new prototypes integrating and hybridising up to four different sources of marine energy were launched for even greater reliability and autonomy.
Grenaa Motorfabrik, A/S
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COMPLETE GEARBOXES AND REPAIR SOLUTIONS FOR SHIPS Grenaa Motorfabrik is your competent gear factory and caring service partner. We have the experience in engineering, manufacturing and craftsmanship to take on even the most complex gear system assignments. And we have the will to do it properly, customer friendly and with a significant sense of urgency. Complete gearbox solutions We design and manufacture complete bespoke marine gearboxes. - Reduction gears for propulsion - PTO gearboxes for generator or pump drives - Designs approved by any major classification society - Reliable and competitive solutions at fast-track schedule Gearsystem repair solutions or re-designs
Gulliksen AS, J. Weiberg
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Helseth Propell-systemer Helseths produktportefølje består av 3- og 4-blads propeller designet med hjelp av moderne skreddersydde dataprogrammer, og produsert i materialer av høy kvalitet. Alle propellbladene er skreddersydd for hvert fartøy og designet av bruk av moderne designprogramvare og erfarne designere for å passe perfekt til fartøyet. Propellnavet og stigningskontrollmekanismene er designet med bruk av omfattende FEM-analyseverktøy for å sikre lave vekter og tilstrekkelig styrke til å overleve de mest farlige miljøene. Hos Helseth har vi en daglig basert kontakt med alle viktige klassesamfunn for å sikre det beste resultatet for våre kunder. Fremdriftssystemer med høy hastighet For høyhastighetsfartøy - som normalt bruker over 25 knop hastighet - blir hydrodynamikk mye viktigere for optimalisering av fremdriftsløsningen. I tillegg til propellkonstruksjonen, må også design av braketter, ror og propelltunnel optimaliseres. På grunn av samspill med skrogdesignet, jobber vi tett med fartøydesigner om mest høyhastighetsapplikasjon for å sikre den mest effektive løsningen. Kumera Gearbox Repair Kumera Service leverer verdensomspennende reparasjon, service og vedlikehold for industrielle og marine girkasser for alle merker og produsenter. - Vårt serviceinnstilte team gir deg deler, ingeniørferdigheter og teknisk rådgivning - Å være en del av ditt forebyggende vedlikehold og sikre optimal drift av girene ved regelmessige inspeksjoner og planlagt service - Serverer et bredt spekter av bransjer over hele verden - Å ha en velfylt reservedelsavdeling av originale deler. Bruke flyfrakt fra nærliggende matflyplass for å sikre raske leveranser til alle steder i verden Våre tjenester inkluderer - Nødreparasjoner over hele verden - Tjenestekontrakter - Tilstandsanalyse / overvåking og forebyggende vedlikehold ved hjelp av endoskopi, vibrasjonsanalyse og termografi. - Laserjustering - Overhalinger - Moderniseringer og utskiftninger - Montering av utstyrstjenester - Design og utvikling - Opplæring - Konsulenttjenester Fordelene med Kumera servicekonsept for reparasjon av industriell girkasse - Kumera Corporation har over mange tiår erfaring med produksjon, service og reparasjon av marine girkasser - Globalt servicenettverk for reparasjon av marine girkasser for raskt å levere tjenester av høy kvalitet - Tilgjengelighet for reparasjon og service av alle typer marine girkasser uavhengig av produsent - Produksjon av spesiell og tilpasset reservedel - Produksjonsprosesser av høy kvalitet for girede deler - Kvalifisert team av eksperter og rådgivningstjeneste til din tjeneste 24/7
Hansabaltic Oy
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Heinzmann Automation AS
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Propulsion Control Systems We deliver systems for propulsion control as a stand-alone system or as a part of an integrated automations system – IAS. In order to fulfill the requirements from our customers, the propulsion control systems are based on products from partners either inside or outside the HEINZMANN Group.
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For operators and contractors who require rig moves or need to anchor floating structures, InterMoor provides an integrated solution that focuses on reducing cost, time and risk.
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InterMoor Product Manual
Jensen & Rhodèn Europe Marine Control AS
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Kingspan Logstor
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Kverneland Aqua A/S
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We offer very wide range of gearboxes, including planetary gearboxes, worm gearboxes, bevel helical & helical gearboxes, etc. Our wide range of gearboxes is designed, built and tested according to most Class of Societies (including ATEX).
LTH-Baas, AS
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Mancraft AS
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Hybrid and electric propulsion MANCRAFT delivers complete propulsion systems for high-speed vessels in the professional market. MANCRAFT's core competence is a comprehensive understanding of how the propulsion system of commercial vessels must be designed, controlled, monitored and maintained to avoid downtime. MANCRAFT has developed and patented a highly efficient in-line parallel hybrid driveline. In collaboration with subcontractors , we deliver complete hybrid solutions , including Power Management system (PMS) and maneuvering system, for your vessel (turn-key projects). Together with MAN's SCR system, the vessel will satisfy the upcoming IMO Tier III emission requirements for NOx.
Marine Control Services AS
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Save fuel and money with a PMS system from Marine Control Services. MCS delivers Power Management Systems (PMS) for control of switchboard and generators to the marine industry. With enhanced functions and advanced technology, the safety of the vessels is the focus of the PMS. MCS Power Management is delivered in different set-ups. - Standalone - Used mainly for retrofits – No separate IAS involved. - Semi Integrated, with mode control in Evolution - Fully integrated PMS in Evolution V5, with safety units in the SWBD. - Our knowledge in engineering, installation and commissioning will give your vessel the optimal solution.
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Marine Technologies, LLC
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Bridge Mate Dynamic Positioning The initial objective of MT was to develop a DP system that complied with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines for a DP 2 class system. Only sixteen months after the foundation of the company in 2002, the first vessel with a DP system from MT received its DP-2 notation from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). The vessel, M/V AMBER, is a 280′ OSV owned by the Edison Chouest Offshore companies on charter to BHP Billiton. Since that time, MT has delivered more than a hundred DP systems worldwide, the majority being DP class 2.
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The Bridge Mate Concept
Bridge Mate Integrated Bridge System
Mohn AS, Frank
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MRC Global Norway AS
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MRC Global Norway AS, Instrumentation Division is Norway's leading supplier and stock holder of Instrument Tube Fittings, Tubing, Valves, Manifolds, Actuators and related accessories. Instrumentation Division represents high-quality products and best-in-class manufacturers. Because of our focus on high quality at all levels, especially within our product segment, Instrumentation Division holds many long term frame agreement contracts with the main key players operating in the Norwegian offshore sector.
Nekon A.S
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Nesset a/s, Alfr.
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Services Our experienced employees work with a wide range of services that include most in maritime installation. We serve a large number of customers, and build our relationships based on high competence, availability, service and quality. Among other things, we can offer the following: - New construction, rebuilding, troubleshooting and repair of technical facilities - Design, calculation and documentation - Drawing and modeling - CAD and BIM - Electrical installation - Automation systems - Control systems - Solar cell system - Shore-side power plant for ships - Board production - Telecommunications and data networks - Structured cabling and fiber - Antenna systems - Mobile, Wi-Fi, TV and radio - Surveillance and alarm systems - Access control and burglary alarm - Video surveillance, CC-TV Intercomm - Fire alarm and emergency lighting system - DC systems - Battery systems and rectifiers - Emergency power system, power supply and UPS - Generator systems and electric motors - Lighting - Basic lighting, floodlights, deck lights - Control, operation and supervision of technical facilities Internal control of electrical systems - Thermography, web analysis and other advanced technical measurements - Tailor-made total solutions - High quality work and components - Solution-oriented employees with a focus on the customer's automation needs - Focus on environment, reliability and economy - 24-hour round-the-clock shift
Norse Water
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STYRETAVLER Tilpasset den enkelte kjel. Med hardware og software for effektiv fjernsupport av anlegg. Styringstavlene fra Peder Halvorsen er tilpasset for optimal drift og kontroll av damp- og varmeanlegg. Vi har eget design- og programutvikling som tilpasses hver enkelt kundes behov og ønsker. Fremtidsrettet hardware og software muliggjør ekstern kommunikasjon og fjernsupport av alle typer anlegg.
Norwegian Electric Systems AS
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QUADRO DRIVE® Liquid cooled four quadrant drive The QUADRO DRIVE® frequency converter from Norwegian Electric Systems is the core of our electric propulsion system. Frequency drives developed especially for marine applications Power rating up to 5.000kW per drive Liquid cooled, fast response, four quadrant drive and stable performance The QUADRO DRIVE® frequency converter is specially designed for ship installations and sets the standard of next generation propulsion converters. QUADRO DRIVE® requires no large transformer, making installation much cheaper and simpler. The Active Rectifier yields the possibility of regenerating the energy from the propeller and shaft back to the grid. The power factor is always unity, so the grid`s capability is fully utilized. The result is a flexible and dynamic propulsion system, focusing on a high performance energy chain from the diesel motor to the propeller`s thurst. A modular based system is the cornerstone of the QUADRO DRIVE® frequency converter. This allows for interchangeable parts and an option of derating the drive if one module so the vessel can avoid off-hire time. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (THD) Total Harmonic Distortion is, based on our already delivered main switchboards, measured to be between 1,2% and 1,7%, which means an average on 1,5%. TWIN IN - SINGLE OUT The arrangement of the electric propulsion system features a high level of reliability since each electric motor is supplied through its own Quadro Drive frequency converter and its associated control system. The propulsion system`s reduncdancy and the reliability of our converters improve safety. Reduntant main propulsion drives provide adequate power for the ship to operate if a malfunction occurs.
GENERATORS Three phase synchronous generators RELIABILITY - Long life endurance of electrical components and housing - Generators are impregnated with high-grade resin by a VPI process and an additional protection against hostile environmental conditions (tropicalization) is provided as standard - Large securitiy factors to ensure reliability for the worsk operating conditions PERFORMANCE Active parts are designed by using the latest technologies and the best materials available to guarantee high efficiency values. APPROVALS The generators are design and built in accordance with marine register rules specifications and comply with: ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, KR, LR, NK, RINA, RS. SAFETY - Leackage detector for water cooled generators (IC81W/IC86W solutions) - CT`s for differential protection (above 1500kVA) - Interface towards external safety systems like B.O.S.S. for rapid action in case of failure situations - PT 100 sensors for temperature monitoring of stator winding and bearings. - Anti-condensation heaters are available for all frame sizes. TOTALLY CUSTOMISABLE - Prepared for vibration sensors - Anti friction or sleeve bearings are available. For sleeve bearings, forced lubrication and jacking system are available for special or low speed applications - Hybrid propulsion possibility using special exciter system for nominal torque from low speed - Digital excitation/AVR systems acc to customer requests - Degree of protection from IP23 to IP55 - 50Hz/60Hz or variable speed solution for DC grid solutions - Speeds/Poles not mentioned in the brochure are available on request. - Nominal voltage from 380 to 6.600 Volts - All generators are customizable to for optimal performance for each specific project
Norwegian Electric Motors are robust machines designed for continuous duty in tough marine environments. We offer a wide range of asynchronous motors as well as permanent magnet machines, for high torque/low speed or special demand for high efficiency and when low weight is required. - Protection degree, IP23 - IP44 - IP55. - Poles, 4-6-8-10 - Anti-friction bearings or sleeve bearings - Anti-condensation heaters - PT100 sensors for sleeve bearings - PT100 sensors for windings - Vacuum pressure insulation (VPI) and tropicalization winding system - High quality insulation for inverter supply applications - High quality encoders or resolvers for speed/position feedback to inverters Voltage 400V - 50Hz, 450V - 60Hz, 690V - 50Hz and 60Hz, or special voltage and frequency optimized to specific applications.
Norwegian Electric Systems will help you design your electric system. Our knowledge and experience is the key to our success. We know how to put reliable, high performing and efficient systems together. Generating electrical power and delivering to where it is needed is our major competence. Low voltage systems up to 25000kVA. Main propulsion up to 16000kW. We also offer medium voltage systems up to 6.6kV. DIESEL ELECTRIC AND HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEMS: - Engineering - Electrical calculations - Project Management - Commissioning/Seatrial - Odin's Eye® - the ultimate DC grid system - QUEST® - Energy System - Generators - Motors - Drives - B.O.S.S.® (Black Out Safety System) - R.A.S. (Remote Assistance System) - Raven INS® - EMS (Energy Management System) - Dynamic Positioning - IAS (Integrated Automation System)
Norwegian Electric Systems offers a complete range of low and medium voltage transformers for Marine. The transformers are designed to offer not only the best possible reliability by also the best technical soluton and quality for any marine systems with special attention on inrush current as this contributes to a large extent on the short circuit level. - Marine distribution transformers - Step-down transformers - Auto transformers - Phase Shift transformers - Multi winding - Transformers FEATURES: - Norwegian Electric transformers are designed with a strong focus on reliability and electrical stability - Installation requirements are ever more demanding with an emphasis on reduced noise and vibration levels, limited space and a high degree of securitiy to avoid human risks. Norwegian Electric transformers meet all these demands. - Our transformers for marine distribution application are designed according to IEC60076-1 with manufacturing approved by DNV, ABS, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, RINA etc. - Active parts are designed by utilizing the latest technology and the best materials available, guaranteeing high efficiency values.
Nyborg A/S
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Dampers APPLICATIONS Heavy-duty dampers for marine applications. LSS - R Butterfly valve with circular housing for air volume control or as a shut-off damper. Manually, electrically or pneumatically operated. Available for duct sizes from dia 200- 1250.
Oden Control AB
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Oden Gear is a gearbox based on a unique gearing technique. The gear consists of a few details, two gears and an eccentric, and is based on an advanced computer calculation method. Manufacturing can be done with standard tooth cutting tools or by plastic molding.
Presisjons Teknikk AS
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Erik Færgemann A/S har et meget stort spekter som dekker nesten alle tenkelige applikasjoner som man kan tenke seg innen automatikk- og prosess løsninger. Vi tilbyr også rustfrie manometer i det man kaller kjemi utførelse opp til 160 mm. Vi tilbyr hele spekteret av manometertyper som rørfjær, kapselfjær og platefjær som måleprinsipp. Disse løsningene kan kombineres med forskjellige trykkmembraner. I tilegg kan vi tilby stort program av industri termometer. Et selskap i Richard Industries gruppen. Jordan Valve is a leading manufacturer of pressure regulators, back pressure regulators, temperature regulators, pneumatic and electric control valves, sanitary valves and accessories. Whether in the marketing for just one valve or working on a long-range plan for growth and expansion, our exclusive representatives are eager to assist you. From valves that can handle fractional flow to high flow processing, sanitary valves that meet FDA and 3A® approval, to a full line of control valves, Jordan Valve is able to meet your many and varied applications. Et selskap i Richard Industries gruppen. Hex Valve is an industry leader of instrument manifolds, orifice block valves, gauge valves, needle valves and block and bleed valves. We supply high quality products, quick deliveries and competitive pricing to the petrochemical, chemical, petroleum, pulp & paper, food processing and primary metal industries. Hex Valve has a readily available selection of exotic alloys such as Hastelloy, Monel, Alloy 20, Titanium and ZIrconium, as well as the availability of products to meet the requirements of ANSI B31.1, ANSI B31.3 as well as NACE MR-01-75.
ProNav AS
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SATCO AS delivers everything from ECDIS system, radar, TVRO and gyro, to CCTV and TV dist. etc. We also have a big stock of parts and new product to unsure a quick and cost effective service.
Servi Group
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Servogear A/S
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Servogear supplies reduction gearboxes as an integrated part of our controllable pitch propeller system. Our special gearbox design offers advantages and possibilities, especially if space is a limitation.
Siemens AS, Marine & Shipbuilding
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www.siemens.no/marine Simatic Automation Systems for every application area to enable you to automate your machines and plants economically and flexibly. This applies to plant and mechanical engineering as well as manufacturing technology and process engineering.
www.siemens.no/marine Simatic Automation Systems for every application area to enable you to automate your machines and plants economically and flexibly. This applies to plant and mechanical engineering as well as manufacturing technology and process engineering.
www.siemens.no/marine PCS7 and Simatic solutions. IAS is an Integrated Automation System and are highly scalable and applicable for all ships. The system is based on Simatic S7 and PC S7 PMA is a Power Management System and responsible for the last step of regaining normal operation of the power station. The PMA 300 is integrated in the switchboard and based on Simatic S7 components. The system can be adapted to different types of ships and functional requirements, it can also be a free-standing system working independent of the automation system. RDS is a Thruster Control System and are highly scalable and applicable for all ships. The system is based on Simatic S7 and PC S7
Life Cycle Management 24h Service +47 815 365 24 E-mail: marineservice.no@siemens.com www.siemens.no/marine Our life cycle services are designed to optimize the overall performance of your entire ship. Increase plant availability and assure long- term competitiveness. Our service offers maintenance, upgrades, spare parts and On-call services worldwide
www.siemens.no/marine With our modular drive systems, you`ll enjoy benefit which are key to your ship`s profitability: Our experienced systems specialists develop a customized design that`s tailored to suit your technical and budgetary requirements. With Siemens drives onboard, you`ll know that Your vessel will be backed by the quality of the world`s leading electric propulsion system specialists - who can offer you a global network of services and other resources in case any problems arise.
www.siemens.no/marine Level, pressure, temperature, voltage, current, power and a wide range of Sensor, transmitters and actuators.
SPM Instrument A/S
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Syberg AS
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Raytheon Anschütz offers rudder angle indicator for seagoing ships of every kind and size. Through the modular design and the variety of indicators all requirements with regard to IMO/SOLAS, class notations and Panama regulations are met. The NautoSteer® AS Advanced Steering Control System is designed accordingly to fail to safe principles. All components of the steering control system are connected via reliable CAN-bus technology.
Telemar Norge AS
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An award-winning line of marine digital compasses offering precision navigation data, unmatched versatility, and outstanding reliability from KVH, the inventor of the digital fluxgate compass. Azimuth 1000 •Digital compass for power & sailing vessels •Compensates itself to ±0.5 ° accuracy •Large, easy-to-read display •Simple push-button operation
Thermal Tec AS
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Oxymat Nitrogen Generator Systems Clayton Steam Systems design the most compact, reliable and efficient steam plant available today and are flexible enough to be supplied in many different forms.
Transtech AS
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Hydraulic Clutches Our hydraulic clutches are available with integrated reduction or step-up transmissions including adapters for most hydraulic motors. The clutch version with a free output shaft is intended for separate mounting and is available with the same options. Mechanical Clutches Our mechanical clutches are available in two different versions. The version with an SAE-housing has been specially designed to suit any industrial engine equipped with flywheel and flywheel housing with SAE Dimensions Mechanical Torque Limiting Clutches Our mechanical torque limiting clutches provide accurate, reliable overload protection for all types of machinery and equipment. Pneumatic Clutches We offer a comprehensive and well designed range of pneumatic clutches in different styles and sizes. A primary feature of some of our clutches is the transmission of power through the side walls of the flexible neoprene and cord actuating tube. With this version, it is often unnecessary to use an additional flexible coupling.
Tratec Norcon
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Operational Monitoring - Water And Sewage Tratec Norcon supplies SCADA system for sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants and smaller units as for example pump stations and pressure boosting stations. Our deliveries can include fully equipped control rooms and network/server solutions. System characteristics: - High degree of flexibility and scalability - Tratec Norcon standardized object library for water and sewage treatment systems. - Open architecture for integration to other systems. - Alarm handling - Camera monitoring - Logging of historical data - Multiplatform support - Integrated maintenance system - Fully integrated solution for mobile units (iOS and Android)
Undheim Systems AS
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Vard Electro AS
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Product description
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
Vard Electro delivers a range of highly customized Navigation and Communication packages, adapted to various needs and applications. As a major supplier of marine electronics, Vard Electro delivers, installs, and services tailor-made solutions to vessels and floating installations world-wide. With over 80 years of experience, a wealth of engineering and commissioning competence, and a sound knowledge of international regulations, we work closely with our clients to select and deliver the best products and solutions for each individual project or service. Our main service locations are in Aalesund and Rio de Janeiro. But our service engineers travel world-wide upon clients request.
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
VARD has a dedicated Aftersales team providing spare parts and consumables across all disciplines in shipbuilding and ship operations for world wide deliveries. - Ship and offshore lighting, Internal & External, LED+++ - Switchboard products, ACB’s & MCCB’s etc - Automation Systems, PLC, IO modules - Battery systems, UPS and Power Supplies - Frequency Converters, Soft Starters, Transformers and Power Conversion - Valves, level switches, actuators, pipes, tubes etc. - HVAC products and components - Electric Motors & Generators - Marine Cables (large stock of various types) - UHF, VHF, Intercom, NAVCOM equipment - Radars, ECDIS, Gyro and other Navigational equipment - CCTV & Fire alarm plants, detectors, beacons-- In general everything from antenna to propeller.
Vico AS
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Vulkan Skandinavia AS
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Wärtsilä (Hamworthy) Moss AS
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Yacht Supply24
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Product description
Marine propulsion systems - Iveco Marine Engines - Vetus Marine Engines - Steyr Motors Marine Engines - Alamarin-Jet Waterjet propulsion - Marine Jet Power Waterjet propulsion - ZF Engine electric control - Kobelt Equipment - ZF Marine gearboxes - Masson Marine gearboxes - BPM Marine gearboxes - DURST Marine gearboxes - Rubber Design Anti-vibration - PSS Shaft Seal - Victor Marine Separators - Hydro Armor Propulsion - Gori Propellers - Multiflex Boat Steering - Separ Filter - ULTRAFLEX Hydraulic steering - Cariboni Steering systems - Lecomble Schmitt Steering - Centaflex Couplings - CENTEK Waterlocks
YIT Sverige AB
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Z-Marine AS
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