Accommodation equipment Accommodation modules Bridge inventory & equipment Cleaning equipment Entertainment equipment Furniture & cabinets Galley, pantry equipment and whiteware Hospital & medical equipment Interior doors & windows Interior floor, wall & ceiling covers Lifts, hoist & escalators Other inventory Personal equipment Sanitary & waste equipment
Air, gas & pneumatic equipment AC units, air dryers, air cooling and heating components Air & gas valves Air and gas treatment (dehydrators, air separators) Air filters & spark arresters Air nozzles, jealousies and batteries Compressors Fans Hoses, drums, packings & fittings Inert gas components, CO2 Other air/gas/pneumatic equipment Pneumatic actuators
Automation and control Alarm equipment Centrals, consoles & panels Computer hardware Control & automation systems Meters & indicators Monitoring equipment Onboard software Regulators & switches Sensors, gauges & detectors Signal cables & connectors
Boats, lifesaving, safety & firefighting equipment Diving equipment Fire protection & detection equipment Firefighting equipment Lifeboats/rafts & other boats Lifesaving equipment Safety equipment
Construction & operation services Accommodation work (including carpentry, HVAC) Electrical and electro work Hiring of rigs, platforms and ships Inspection and testing (NDT, pressure, performance, trial trip, etc) Machinery and piping work Maintenance, spare parts and supplies Other construction assistance (cleaning, rigging, stores, support) Repairs, modifications & docking Shipbuilding & offshore constructions Structural work and surface treatment (plate, welder, paint)
Construction/fabrication equipment & software Blasting & painting equipment Construction/fabrication software Consumables Inspections & testing equipment Scaffolds, jigs & tarpaulins etc. Transport equipment Welding & cutting equipment Workshop equipment
Deck machinery & equipment Anchors Blocks & shackles Capstans, bollards & hawse holes Chains, wires & ropes Cranes, crane equipment, lifting devices & booms Fenders & buoys Winches, drums & reels
Electrical Accumulators, condensers, chargers & batteries Connectors, sockets, plugs & distribution boxes Converters (voltage, frequency), receivers, el. dampers and rectifiers Electrical heating Electrical motors & starters Lighting equipment & armatures Other electrical/electro equipment Power cables Switchboards & relays
Engineering/management services & software Administration, broking, finance & insurance services Basic design & project development services Certification, QA and verification services Documentation & data management Engineering services Engineering software (CAD, analysis) Project management, construction management
Hydraulics equipment, fluid transfer and treatment Ejectors Fluid filters Fluid nozzles & mixing batteries Fluid valves & other armatures Freshwater generation Hydraulic motors & actuators Hydraulic plants & equipment Other fluid transfer/treatment equipment Pipes & pipe units Pumps & pump units Purification plants & fluid treatment Separators & traps
Materials, protection & insulation Additives & agents Aluminium Anti-corrosion Chemicals Coatings & paint GRP/FRP Insulation Lubricants Other materials Plastic Stainless steel Steel
Navigation & communication Antennas & transmitters Detection & identification equipment Other communication equipment Other nautical equipment Positioning & navigation equipment Radio & telephone communication Satellite communication
Power generation, propulsion & manouvering Aggregates Bearings Brakes, couplings & shafts Combustion engine Exhaust components & silencers Gaskets, packings, liners & sealings Gears Generators, alternators & dynamos Other engine & propulsion equipment Propellers & impellers Steering equipment & stabilizers Thrusters and pods Turbines & waterjet units Vibration absorbers & dampeners
Special purpose equipment Anchor, pipe & cable handling equipment Anti-pollution equipment Cargo handling equipment Drilling equipment Fish farming equipment Fish processing equipment Fishing and hunting equipment Helicopter deck equipment Subsea & seismic equipment
Structures & outfitting details Bins, baskets, boxes and containers Brackets, bolts, fasteners and locking devices Davits and masts Ducts, channels, trays and pipe support Gratings & drains Hatches, covers, ports, ramps & platforms Ladders, railings, stairs, ramps & gangways Plates and profiles Sections, foundations, pillars, structural units and bulkheads Watertight/weathertight doors & windows
Tanks and heating/cooling equipment Boilers, burners and incinerators Cooling components for fluids Evaporators, condensers and receivers Heat exchangers & steam generation Preheaters Tank cleaning equipment Tanks Thermal compensators
| 1 - Ship general 10 - Specification, estimating, drawing, instruction, courses 101 - Contract/specific. work, general design, model testing 102 - Drawing, ordering etc. with regard to hull 108 - Purchase/renting of drawings, patents, licences, consultation 109 - Maintenance systems, instruction material 11 - Insurance, fees, certificates, representation 112 - Classification and statutory fees and certificates 12 - Quality assurance, general work, models 121 - Quality assurance, planning, work preparation 123 - Clearing, cleaning 14 - Work on ways, launching, docking 144 - Dry docking, slip docking 15 - Quality control, measurements, tests, trials 151 - Machinery testing 153 - Fuel and lube oil for tests and trial trips 16 - Guarantee/mending work 17 - Ship repair, special services 19 - Consumption articles 191 - Electrodes 192 - Gas, oxygen, coal, oil 194 - Binding and mending material, cleaning articles 196 - Miscellaneous consumption articles 2 - Hull 201 - Hull materials 203 - Blasting, shop-priming, rolling and cleaning of materials 23 - Cargo area - hull small vessels 25 - Deck houses and superstructures 266 - Hawse pipes 27 - Material protection, external 274 - Equipment on external decks, bulwark (inboard side) 276 - Galvanizing, nickel plating, metallizing 278 - External cathodic protection 28 - Material protection, internal 282 - Material protection of engine, boiler and pump rooms, steering gear compartments 285 - Material protection of ballast, sea w. and stabil. tanks, cofferdams, chain lockers 288 - Internal cathodic protection 298 - Fitting and joining of composite materials 3 - Equipment for cargo 30 - Hatches, ports 304 - Smaller hatches, grain hatches, manhole covers 309 - Common hydraulic oil system for hatches/ports 311 - Loose decks and platforms for cargo, ramps 315 - Deck/hold cargo pillars, bins, shelves, cases 316 - Protection plates, covers, hatch tents and tarpaulins 317 - Containers, pallets 32 - Special cargo handling equipment 321 - Cargo lifts 325 - Self loaders, screw transporters, conveyor belts 327 - Grabbing/lifting equip. for cranes, masts and booms for cargo 33 - Deck cranes for cargo 34 - Masts, derrick posts, rigging, winches for cargo 344 - Running rigging 35 - Loading/discharging systems for liquid cargo 351 - Loading/discharging pumps 353 - Loading/discharging systems in pump rooms 354 - Loading/discharging systems in cargo tanks 355 - Loading/discharging systems for lpg/lng in gaseous phase 356 - Separate stripping systems 36 - Freezing, refrigerating, heating systems for cargo 362 - Freezing and refrigerating systems for dry cargo 365 - Indirect cooling/heating systems, cargo oil heating 37 - Gas/ventilation systems for cargo holds/tanks 374 - Vent./gas freeing systems for tanks, wind sails w/equipment 375 - Blow-off syst. from safety valves (pressure/vacuum valves) 376 - Inert gas systems w/conditioning plant 38 - Auxiliary systems, equipment for cargo 381 - Sounding, surveil. and operating equipment for cargo systems 382 - Tank cleaning systems and equipment 4 - Ship equipment 40 - Manoeuvring machinery, equipment 401 - Rudder w/welded parts 402 - Rudder carriers, rudder stocks, rudder bearings 403 - Steering gear/columns, telemotor sys., rudder ind., 404 - Side thrusters 405 - Stabilizers 406 - Brakes 408 - Dynamic positioning systems 41 - Navigation, searching equipment 411 - Radar plants 412 - Decca, loran, omega, radio direction finder 413 - Gyro plants, autopilots, compasses 414 - Underwater searching equipm.: asdic, echo sounder, speed log 415 - Clinometers, trim indicators, load indicators 416 - Navigation tv 417 - Clocks, facsimile recorders, misc. nautical equipment 419 - Integrated navigation systems 42 - Communication equipment 421 - Radio plant, gmdss 422 - Lifeboat radio transmitters, epirbs 423 - Data transmission plants, communication 424 - Vhf/uhf telephones 425 - Calling/command/crew call telephone plants, walkie-talkies 426 - Speaking tubes, tube post plants 427 - Light and signal equipment, lanterns, typhons 43 - Anchoring, mooring, towing equipment 431 - Anchors w/chains and equipment 432 - Windlasses w/chain stoppers, rollers 433 - Comb. windlass/mooring winches w/chain stoppers, rollers 434 - Capstans, warping and mooring winches 435 - Fixed mooring equipment 436 - Loose mooring equipment 437 - Towing equipment 438 - Common hydraulic oil system for anchoring/mooring equipment 439 - Common hydr. oil syst. for anchoring/mooring/cargo winches 44 - Rep./maint./clean. equip. workshop/store outfit, name plates 441 - Machine tools, cutting and welding equipment 442 - Tools/equip. for engineers, electr., boatswains, carpenters 443 - Painting equipment, scaffolding, paint rafts/boats (gigs) 444 - Cleaning equipment, garbage chutes 445 - Garbage disposal plants, incinerators 446 - Outfitting in store rooms and workshops 45 - Lifting, transport equipment for machinery components 452 - Travelling cranes and lifting gear in engine room 46 - Hunting, fishing equipment 461 - Hunting equipment for whale, seal 463 - Purse nets and seine equipment, power blocks 464 - Trawling equipment 465 - Fish pumping plants and landing equipment 477 - De-gaussing plants 48 - Special equipment 481 - Drilling equipment 483 - Diving equipment 49 - Fish processing equipment 5 - Equipment for crew and passengers 50 - Lifesaving, protection, medical equipment 501 - Lifeboats w/equipment 502 - Liferafts w/equipment 503 - Lifesaving, safety and emergency equipment 504 - Medical, first aid and dental equipment, medicines 505 - Loose firefighting apparatuses and equip., firemen's outfit 51 - Insulation, panels, bulkheads, doors, sidescuttles,skylights 511 - Insulation, partition bulkheads, panelling, wallpaper 512 - Doors w/coamings in accommodation 513 - Other internal doors w/coamings 514 - External doors w/coamings 515 - Side scuttles and windows w/equipment 52 - Internal deck covering, ladders, steps, railing 522 - Internal deck top covering (linoleum, tiles, parquet etc.) 524 - Loose floor plates, platforms, steps and ladders in accommod. 53 - Ext. deck covering, ladders, steps, fore, aft gangway 533 - Handrails, railing, rail gates 54 - Furniture, inventory, entertainment equipment 541 - Furniture for crew, standard furniture 542 - Office equip. and spec. furniture in wheelh., chart and radior. 543 - Bedcloth, mattresses 546 - Hobby, sports and entertainment equipment 548 - Furniture for passengers 55 - Galley/pantry equip., provision plants, laundry/ironing equ. 551 - Galley machinery 552 - Galley/pantry equipment for preparation and serving 553 - Cafeteria plant w/equipment 554 - Freezing/refrigerating systems for provisions 555 - Insulation, lining and battening in prov. rooms, doors and ports 556 - Walls, bins, shelves, racks, grating and invent. in prov.rooms 558 - Laundry, ironing and drying equipment 56 - Transport equipment for crew, passengers, provisions 561 - Personnel lifts, escalators 563 - Provision cranes and derricks 564 - Shore gangways w/davits, landing booms 566 - Helicopter platforms w/equipment 57 - Ventilation, air-conditioning, heating systems 575 - Ventilation/air-conditioning systems for pump rooms 577 - Central heating systems w/radiators 58 - Sanitary syst. w/discharges, accommodation drain systems 581 - Sanitary supply systems 582 - Sanitary discharge systems, accommodation drainage systems 583 - Bathtubs, bidets, shower cabinets, w.c., washbasins 584 - Drinking water systems and coolers 59 - Passenger vessel cabins, public rooms 595 - Other crew spaces 6 - Machinery main components 60 - Diesel engines for propulsion 601 - Diesel engines 61 - Steam machinery for propulsion 611 - Steam turbines w/condensers 62 - Other types of propulsion machinery 621 - Gas turbines w/air preheaters 627 - Fan plants, water-jet pump plants w/nozzles 63 - Propellers, transmissions, foils 634 - Controllable pitch propeller plants incl. nozzles 635 - Spec. propeller plants incl. nozzles (excl. side thrusters) 637 - Main reduction gears w/thrust bearings and couplings 638 - Central gears (joint auxiliary gear, not for propulsion) 64 - Boilers, steam, gas generators 641 - Main boilers 644 - Auxiliary boilers 646 - Exhaust gas boilers 648 - Central heating and thermal oil boilers 649 - Gas generators 65 - Motor aggregates for main electric power production 651 - Motor aggregates 66 - Other aggr., gen. for main, emergency el. power production 665 - Harbour and emergency aggregates w/equipment 7 - Systems for machinery main components 70 - Fuel systems 701 - Fuel oil transfer and drain systems 702 - Fuel oil purification plants 703 - Fuel oil supply systems 71 - Lube oil systems 712 - Lube oil purification plants 72 - Cooling systems 721 - Sea water cooling systems 722 - Fresh water and other cooling systems 73 - Compressed air systems 731 - Starting air systems (high pressure) 732 - General purpose air systems for engine room (low pressure) 734 - Instrument air supply systems 74 - Exhaust systems, air intakes 743 - Exhaust gas systems for propulsion machinery 744 - Exhaust gas systems for motor aggregates 745 - Exhaust gas systems for boilers 75 - Steam, condensate, feed water systems 761 - Distilled and make-up water systems 79 - Automation systems for machinery 791 - Manoeuvre consoles, main consoles 792 - Common automation equipment, engine room alarm systems 793 - Autom. equip. for prop. mach. and transmis., eng. telegraph 794 - Automation equipment for boilers 795 - Automation equipment for motor/turbo aggregates 797 - Automation equipment for other machinery components 8 - Ship common systems 80 - Ballast, bilge systems, gutter pipes outside accommod. 801 - Ballast systems, solid ballast 802 - Heating coils in ballast tanks 803 - Bilge systems 804 - Gutter pipes outside accommodation 81 - Fire, lifeboat alarm, fire fighting and wash down systems 811 - Fire detection, fire and lifeboat alarm systems 813 - Fire/wash down syst., emergency fire pumps, sprinkler syst. 814 - Fire fighting systems for external fires 816 - Fire fighting systems w/foam 817 - Fire fighting systems w/steam 818 - Fire fighting systems w/powder 819 - Fire fighting systems w/other agents 821 - Air and sounding systems from tanks to deck 83 - Special common hydraulic oil systems 831 - Special common hydraulic oil systems 84 - Central heat transfer systems w/chemical fluids/oil 841 - Heating oil treatment systems 85 - Common electric, electronic systems 86 - Electric power supply 861 - Generators/alternators 865 - Transformers 866 - Batteries and chargers 867 - Rectifiers and converters 87 - Common electric distribution systems 871 - Main switchboards 872 - Emergency switchboards 875 - Distribution panels and boards 88 - Electric cable installation 886 - Special cables 89 - Electric consumer systems 891 - Electric lighting systems for engine and boiler room 892 - Electric lighting systems for accommodation 893 - Electric lighting systems for deck and cargo holds 897 - Electric fans 898 - Electric motors